Our publicity work is designed to radically accelerate your growth and fast-track your publicity dreams with greater ease and impact including services such as:

  • Public Relations
  • PR Marketing & Strategy
  • Media Bookings & Placements
  • Media Training
  • Brand Awareness & Communications
  • Social Media
  • Special Events
  • Partnerships
  • Thought Leadership
  • Literary Agent Representation & Publishing
  • Book Trailers
  • Film & TV Series Development & Deals

We work with a select group of clients through 1:1 support and customized done-for-you publicity services.

Want to Generate Some Buzz by…

  • Boosting your credibility, so your ideal clients notice you
  • Establishing yourself as an industry leader in your field and getting paid more
  • Reaching hundreds, thousands, or millions more people through media placements with your interviews, articles, and op-eds
  • Creating meaningful partnerships and increasing your revenue
  • Creating a loyal fan base who “get” your story and messages – and can’t wait to work with you